February Gardening Tips
By: Beckie Hicks
February doesn't have to be a dormant month for gardeners - there's plenty you can do now to get your garden off to the best start once Spring has arrived! With many of us still struggling with things to do during this difficult time, the below gardening activities will do wonders for both your physical and mental health.
Prune, Prune and Keep Pruning!
Deciduous trees and shrubs go dormant in cold weather, as well as hardy evergreen hedges. After trees have shed their leaves in Autumn, it’s easier to see which branches are growing inward; cut these branches back along with any branches that cross over each other.
Pruning your trees and shrubs now will encourage growth over the Spring, Winter also makes a good time to prune as plant-killing insects and diseases are currently dormant.
Net Fruit & Veg Crops
As the days are becoming longer and temperatures are starting to increase, migrating birds will be returning and could potentially take from your leftover fruit and vegetable crops. Cover these with nets until March time to keep them protected.
Start Buying Your Seeds
January and February are known as the 'dormant gardener's months', but that doesn't have to be the case. Start planning which varieties of flowers and even fruits and vegetables you'd like to grow this year. This will then help you determine the equipment you'll need so you can start buying this too.
Organise Your Shed/Green House
If you didn't have time to over the Autumn, now is the perfect time to have a clear out and make space for any additional gardening equipment. Once you've decided on the seeds you're buying, you can ensure you have the best possible set up for these to blossom.
Summer gardens are made in the Winter! Call us on 01202 874207 to see how we can help with your next garden project!